Dental Services

Aligning Your Teeth With State-of-the-Art Techniques

Everyone wants a bright, straight smile, and orthodontic treatment helps by treating skeletal and dental malocclusions that interfere with facial aesthetics. However, orthodontic treatment can be expensive and many people are hesitant to pursue it.


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Orthodontic treatment is a vital part of the dental health process. It addresses a broad range of bite and alignment issues, including the ability to chew, speak, breathe, and smile with confidence. The treatment is centered around the use of brackets, wires, and other orthodontic appliances to straighten teeth and correct the bite. Advanced orthodontic technology has opened the door for improved patient experience, shorter treatment times, and superior results.

Modern braces are small, sleek, and extremely discreet. They’re also more effective than the bulky, traditional metal braces of a generation ago, which were only effective on certain patients with specific alignment problems. Today’s brackets are generally bonded to the front surface of your teeth using a resin-based dental adhesive similar to what dentists use when repairing a chipped tooth.

A thin strip of metal called an archwire connects the brackets and applies pressure to the teeth to help guide them into their final positions. The archwire is often shaped and bent to close gaps between teeth, widen the spaces around narrow teeth, and align your bite. You may be asked to wear rubber bands or elastics attached to hooks on the brackets for added force in addressing specific bite issues.

The periodontal ligament, a fibrous tissue that stretches across the roots of each tooth, plays an important role in the movement of teeth. During your orthodontic treatment, the orthodontist applies gentle, continuous pressure to this ligament to encourage gradual, controlled teeth movement. This pressure triggers bone remodeling on the side of the teeth, helping to shift the teeth into their new positions.

At your adjustment (tightening) appointments, the orthodontist re-tightens the archwire and adjusts its shape and position on each tooth. They may also re-tie the elastics or add power chains to create extra forces that assist in moving teeth into their proper positions or closing gaps between them. Power chains are elastic ties that stretch between several of the brackets and hook together. They come in a variety of colors and are designed to help you feel more confident when wearing your braces.


Many patients are turning to clear aligners as an alternative to traditional braces. Unlike metal wires and brackets, the clear aligner system uses an invisible orthodontic appliance to straighten the teeth without altering the appearance of your smile. It also offers an easy, convenient treatment process with fewer and shorter appointments than traditional braces.

During an Invisalign appointment, your orthodontist will scan your mouth and jaw with a digital scanner to create a customized plan for correcting your teeth alignment issues. Next, he or she will fabricate a series of custom plastic aligners using 3D technology. The aligners apply gradual pressure to the teeth, helping to shift them into place. If you require more complex tooth movement or severe bite problems, your orthodontist may use SmartForce attachments and/or rubber bands to help guide the movements of the teeth.

The aligners are comfortable to wear and can easily be removed before eating or drinking. You must brush and floss regularly to keep your teeth and gums healthy while wearing them. If you struggle with speaking clearly while wearing your aligners, try reading out loud or saying “spelling words” to help train your tongue to move more naturally. Most people find that they adapt to wearing the aligners within a few days or less.

Because they are so small and virtually invisible, adults can wear them without feeling self-conscious about their orthodontic treatment. Moreover, they can continue to brush and floss their teeth as they normally would, cultivating healthy oral hygiene habits that they can carry into adulthood.

Invisalign is suitable for most adults with mild to moderate cases of misalignment or bite irregularities, but it’s important to have a consultation with an orthodontist to make sure you are a good candidate. In some cases, the orthodontist will recommend other orthodontic treatments to address more complex dental issues.

Another orthodontic appliance that offers a more advanced treatment approach is the rapid palatal expander, which is utilized in Phase 1 of the Invisalign® treatment. This orthopedic device widens the upper arch, creating more space for your existing and incoming permanent teeth, and facilitates optimal facial growth and development.

Accelerated Orthodontics

When we’re able to achieve orthodontic results more quickly, patients can enjoy them sooner. Our team will work with you to ensure your treatment is completed in a way that fits into your life and allows you to meet the smile you deserve before your next major milestone.

One of the fastest ways to straighten teeth is with accelerated orthodontics, which shortens treatment times by up to 50%. This innovative treatment uses biological responses to speed up the rate of bone growth, and it can be used in conjunction with standard braces.

The process is simple. Once the dentist numbs your gums, they will make small perforations in the jaw bone around each tooth that needs to move. This will encourage the cells to break down and remodel the bone, which makes it easier for the tooth to shift into its new position.

Our team will then use a device that stimulates the bone to help speed up the movement of your teeth. It can be used with all types of orthodontic appliances, including metal, ceramic, and lingual braces. Our orthodontist will provide a customized plan for your treatment, and you may be able to reduce your time in braces by up to half.

This technology is popular with teens and young adults because it can allow them to align their teeth before important events in their lives, such as graduation or a wedding. It also helps to improve treatment compliance and minimize the risk of complications due to missed appointments or poor oral hygiene practices.

It is also a great option for adult patients who have had orthodontic treatment in the past, and who experienced relapse, or their teeth shifting back to their original positions. Our orthodontist will develop a personalized treatment plan that will include traditional braces and accelerated orthodontic techniques, to help you reach your goal of a straighter smile faster.

There are many benefits to accelerated orthodontics, but it is not suitable for everyone. It is important to discuss your options with your orthodontist and to consider the risks and benefits of this type of treatment before deciding whether it is right for you.

Orthodontic Appliances

Several fixed orthodontic appliances can help correct common problems like crooked teeth, overbites, underbites, and more. The most well-known of these are braces, which consist of metal brackets that are glued to the teeth and connected with wires. These are effective at addressing several issues and can improve your smile while straightening it.

Orthodontic appliances can also be used to address temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, a condition in which the jaws don’t clench and grind correctly. This can cause strain on the joints, which can lead to headaches, jaw pain, and other symptoms. By treating these conditions with orthodontics, you can prevent serious complications in the future.

The field of orthodontics has undergone a remarkable transformation thanks to advancements in technology. Today’s orthodontists rely on advanced digital scanning systems to swiftly capture a precise map of the patient’s dental anatomy. This eliminates the need for physical impressions, which reduces discomfort and allows orthodontists to more accurately construct orthodontic appliances.

These sophisticated devices are also allowing orthodontists to make treatment plans more efficiently and effectively. Software simulations enable them to see what the results will look like, so they can plan treatment accordingly and give patients a clear understanding of what to expect.

In addition to these innovations, many modern appliances are more comfortable than ever before. For example, new techniques for applying elastic bands to the teeth reduce the pressures that have traditionally been associated with them and make it easier to wear them. There are also a variety of new brackets available that provide greater comfort and aesthetics.

The best time for patients to seek orthodontic treatment is in their teen years. This is because their permanent teeth have yet to erupt, but they’re still growing and developing. By evaluating your child’s smile early and keeping an eye on their growth, we can ensure that their smile grows and develops properly.


When It’s Time to Replace Your Roofing

Roofing Wilmington DE is one of the most hazardous home repair jobs and requires specialized skills. For these reasons, it is best to leave repairs to professionals.


Roofs protect houses against rain, snow, sunlight, extremes of temperature and wind. Rafters or pre-fabricated trusses support sheathing, which is then covered with shingles.

If your shingles are starting to show signs of ageing, it’s a good idea to get them replaced. This will help ensure that the underlying roof deck is protected and the integrity of your structure is maintained. It will also protect your home from future damage and reduce energy costs.

If you’re not quite ready to replace your roof, you can repair it with a few different options. One of the most common is re-roofing. Re-roofing is done when you’ve lost a number of shingles, and the damaged area can be covered with a new layer.

However, re-roofing can have some significant drawbacks. For example, it can void or shorten the warranty on your shingles. It can also be problematic if your old shingles were architectural shingles instead of 3-tab shingles, as the second layer won’t match them as well and could look patchy or uneven.

Re-roofing is a large job, and it’s important to prepare before your roofers arrive. This includes trimming any trees that are encroaching on your roof, and moving any objects like ceramic landscaping features or patio furniture. It’s also a good idea to clear out the attic and remove anything stored there that could break if it gets hit by falling debris during the re-roofing process.


When a roof is nearing the end of its lifespan or shows significant signs of deterioration, it may be time for a replacement. Roof replacement involves removing the existing layer of roof materials and replacing it with new ones, typically shingles. Some roofing contractors offer both re-roofing and roof replacement services, while others specialize in one or the other.

When the time comes for a roof replacement, it is essential to choose the right materials. Some roofing materials, such as metal and tile, have a very long lifespan when properly maintained and can be used for several replacements. Others, like shingle roofs, require regular maintenance to extend their life. The type of roof on a commercial building also has an impact on its replacement options.

A re-roofing job could be an ideal solution for a commercial building that is close to the end of its expected lifespan or has minor damage in only one area. However, re-roofing is not appropriate for a roof with significant structural damage or if there are serious leaks.

Adding a new layer of shingles can give a roof an immediate face-lift. This is particularly true if the old roof was stained or damaged.

Many factors can influence whether re-roofing is an option, including the type of existing material on the roof, the condition of that material and how much weight the structure can handle. Re-roofing is not possible if the existing roof is made from a material that cannot support another layer, such as slate.

A professional roofing contractor has specialized knowledge and equipment to perform a complete roof replacement. This includes tools to remove old materials and install a waterproof barrier underneath the shingles. This prevents moisture from penetrating the interior of the building and encouraging mold, mildew and water damage. Additionally, a roofer can help homeowners choose the most energy efficient materials, solar panels and other features that will save money on utility bills.


Whether they are new or old, roofs need to be maintained and repaired periodically. A properly functioning roof protects the interior of the building from rain, snow, sunlight and extremes of temperature.

During maintenance visits, crews will clear all debris from drains, gutters and roof surfaces. They will also trim and remove organic growth, clean drains, and re-flash openings in penetration base flashing as needed.

A good roofing company will keep a roster of maintenance personnel that you can hire to come into your buildings on an as-needed basis. These personnel will have passed background checks, and be briefed each morning to the needs and systems of the buildings on their schedule for that day. They will be equipped in their vehicle with all tools necessary for the work they are scheduled to perform.


The roof is one of the most exposed parts of a home. It can suffer direct damage from weather, like heavy snow or hailstorms, as well as indirect damage from other things that can be triggered by a storm, like falling trees or debris from a fire. If this is a concern, it is wise to consider adding impact-resistant shingles to your roofing. This can help protect your roof from cosmetic as well as functional damage and may even qualify you for an insurance discount. You should also check to see if your homeowners insurance covers your roof at its actual cash value or replacement cost value, as well as whether it has a separate deductible for hurricanes.

Understanding these factors can make a big difference in your decision to file an insurance claim for a roof repair or replacement. It can also make it easier to navigate the process if you need to negotiate with an adjuster.


The Importance of Landscaping

People that spend time in well-designed landscapes feel healthier, happier and more content than those that do not. A beautiful landscape adds value to a property and increases the resale price of a home.


Landscaping includes adding plants, changing the terrain and constructing structures to make your property more appealing and functional. It can also help preserve the environment. Visit to learn more.

Weeds steal water, nutrients and space away from the plants you want to grow in your landscape beds. They also look unsightly and can compete with other plants for these resources. To successfully manage weeds in north Texas landscaping requires commitment, persistence and time. The most effective strategy is to prevent weeds from ever growing in your landscape, so they never have a chance to flower and produce seeds.

There are many ways to achieve this goal, from nonchemical approaches to year-round layered weed control strategies. A landscape professional who knows the weeds that are common in your yard and the best methods to control them can help you choose the right management plan.

One of the most important measures is laying down a weed barrier before planting. These fabrics are usually made from a woven polypropylene or linen material that has small holes in it for the roots of the plants you plant to be able to penetrate. The fabric physically blocks the light from reaching the seeds and prevents them from germinating. They are available from most home stores and local nursery and garden centers in rolls of 3 feet in width and from 50 to 150 feet in length. A roll costs about $10, depending on the brand and size.

You can also lay down a layer of mulch, such as bark, wood chips, composted leaves or pine needles to inhibit the growth of weeds. Mulches are especially helpful in keeping weeds out of the landscape during their seedling stages.

The use of a weed barrier and a layer of mulch will keep the soil in your planting beds loose, which will make it more difficult for weeds to grab hold and start growing. A layer of gravel or crushed rock in driveways and pathways can serve as an alternative to a traditional mulch.

Another way to control weeds is by spraying them with an herbicide. A good quality weed killer can kill the weeds without harming the surrounding plants and can be used in flower beds and other ornamental plantings.

Water Management

Water management during a landscape gardening project addresses not just irrigation, but the entire hydrology of a property. It is about managing the amount of water that goes to and from your home, reducing waste and creating a more sustainable, natural system that can handle rainfall and irrigation.

When it comes to water, the best way to protect your investment and save money is through proper drainage and soil health. It is essential to keep your property well-draining and to prevent water damage to your foundation and interior. This is achieved through proper grading of the property and installing drainage solutions such as downspout extensions, permeable pavers and rain gardens.

A landscape that is able to infiltrate and store water is a key aspect of sustainability and is important to the health of your plants. Well-structured soil allows irrigation water to infiltrate rather than run off, and the deep roots of trees and shrubs can access the water reserves stored lower in the soil profile.

This type of soil structure can also reduce the need for landscape irrigation, resulting in savings on your water bill. It can also contribute to reduced erosion, fewer fertilizer and pesticide inputs, and decreased chemical runoff into local water bodies, which in turn promotes healthy ecosystems.

The hydrology of the landscape is a key part of the ecosystem, supporting biodiversity and human well-being. Landscapes with a functioning water cycle support local food production and provide clean drinking water, flood protection, and carbon storage. They are also a source of recreation and spiritual connection to the natural environment.

EPA facilities strive to conserve and eliminate water used for landscaping and irrigation through the use of native and low-water plant species. They also incorporate rainwater harvesting and water recycling to supplement the irrigation of those plantings. Many EPA facilities do not even irrigate their landscapes at all.


Landscape maintenance includes all of the services necessary to keep a property looking its best, including mowing, weed control, pest control, garden cleanup, mulching, edging and trimming. Make sure you get a contract that specifies exactly what work will be done and when. A good landscaping provider will provide you with a calendar or list of service dates so you know what to expect and when.

In addition to these core services, landscape professionals also provide a variety of specialty lawn care and landscaping services. For example, they can provide a range of soil testing and fertilization services to improve the health of your lawn. They can also help you with the selection and installation of trees, shrubs, flowers and other plants to beautify your yard. They can even perform hardscape projects, such as installing patios, walkways, fire pits and stone walls.

A landscaping professional will know which types of fertilizers, herbicides and fungicides to use, along with the proper application rates. They can also recommend the best watering techniques to ensure your lawn is healthy and beautiful throughout the year.

Some services that are typically included in a maintenance contract include pruning, aeration and overseeding. Pruning is the process of cutting off a plant’s limbs and branches to improve health, reduce falling branch risks, remove dead parts or enhance visual appeal. Another common landscaping service is edging, which involves using tools to create a decorative border around landscaping features. This can be a great way to define garden areas, keep mulch or grass away from sidewalks and driveways or simply add some aesthetic appeal to your yard.

Lastly, landscapers will often provide plant replacement and special project services as an additional charge. If you’re interested in these services, ask your provider if they are available or can be added as an add-on to your maintenance agreement.

Landscaping and maintenance are two very different things, so it’s important to understand what each company offers before hiring them for your commercial or residential properties. Look for a company that can offer both lawn care and landscaping, and don’t be afraid to ask them questions about their horticultural knowledge. If they can’t answer your questions with confidence, it might be time to move on to a more qualified landscaper.

Curb Appeal

The front yard sets the stage for your home, and it’s important to make a good impression on guests and potential buyers. Whether you’re looking to sell or simply want your house to look its best, adding curb appeal is easy and relatively inexpensive. In fact, according to the Associated Landscape Contractors of America, homes with well-maintained landscaping sell in six weeks or less.

One of the most popular and effective ways to add curb appeal is by planting flower beds. They’re a quick way to brighten up the entryway, and there are many different varieties of flowers you can plant to achieve your desired look. For a modern or contemporary garden, stick with a few types of flowers and keep the colors simple; or for an English garden look, choose lots of variety and pack the flower beds close together.

When choosing plants and materials for your front yard, it’s also important to consider the architecture of your house. For example, a cottage-style garden compliments a farmhouse or country-style house, while a more modern garden looks great with minimal design and simple color palettes. Additionally, balancing hardscape with greenery and flowers is crucial in creating a visual appeal. For example, rock walls with a few flowers or plants planted between the rocks softens the overall look and helps prevent erosion.

In addition to planting a well-maintained lawn and beautiful flowers, adding some unique landscaping features can really help your property stand out. For example, a water feature can be a focal point in the front yard and is a great way to create visual interest. Another option is a fire feature, which can be a beautiful and welcoming addition to your front yard.

Whatever projects you undertake to improve your home’s curb appeal, it’s important to take your time and work carefully to ensure the best results. A professional landscaping company can help you with all your landscape maintenance, including services like lawn mowing, weed control, fertilization, seasonal cleanups, mulching, tree trimming and pruning, insect treatment, leaf removal and aeration. They’ll work with you to come up with a service plan that will meet your needs, budget and landscape goals.